Bacon Nation

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Woo Hoo!

Woo Hoo! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! Woooooo Hooooo! Woo! Hoo!

Ah, yes. Things went well. Last night, as returns came in, over here at the Nation of Bacon, we started cooking up some yummy smokey pork flesh to kick off the night, and we never looked back. At this historic moment, I'd like to take a moment to thank my staff. To T-Cro, Reader M, Reader K, and Reader H for calling in last night here to BN Election Central, where we were making stew and watching the returns. To Readers P and H (not their real initials -- really they're Readers T and A -- ha!) for bringing new readers into the family in time for this auspicious day. Now, as we go forward into a whole new era of bickering rather than rubber-stamping government, and the labored question of "Hilary -- should we or shouldn't we?", I hope that you'll all stay along for the ride.

I'd also like to take total credit for my own personal GOTV effort, which delivered two Dems to polls, one being the friend here in California who had never voted in her life until '04, when I made her registering and voting a condition of helping her move house, though I did so only after the ordinary modes of persuasion didn't work; and the other being a reader in the fine city of Dallas who, without my fabulous Google skills and shear mighty determination might never have found her polling place. Ok, she'd have found it; but I made sure it happened with a minimum of stress. Also, you can credit me for delivering Missourri and Virginia, since 2 weeks ago I gave $20 each to the McCaskill and Webb campaigns. Not convinced? Well, I thought Tester had it in the bag, so I didn't give him money, and he ended up in the closest vote tally. I take that as total proof, and thus take total credit.

Yes, indeed, today is a very fine day. Here in California the sun is shining, and all's right with the world. I'm totally not letting the re-election of our governator penetrate my consciousness, and I feel fine.

And so I have decided to leave until later in the week my personal reckoning with the question of whether the summary firing of Rumsfeld means that I, as a Dem with an eye on a glorious future, should give up on my cherished dream of congressional hearings on Bushie fraud with regard to Iraq. Let us deal with nothing so divisive on this great day. Let us lean back in our chairs, and smile, and be delighted that we managed in one fell swoop to take both houses of congress, and at the same time to rid ourselves of Kerry for '08. The bon temps are here; let 'em roll.


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bon temps indeed!
Although I too refuse to allow little negatives to deflate my big bubble of democratic gloat, I AM reserving a feminist hissy-fit for a week from now, when I look out a window and recall the fact that Bush's first public statement about Nancy Pelosi as Madam Speaker-Elect suggested her main role would be to pick out new drapes. Asshole. Sometimes I really do fear he's smarter than he seems, because that comment seemed coldly calculated to piss her off as much as possible. But I guess someone else probably wrote it for him.
Anyway, forget it. Viva Virginia!


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