Bacon Nation

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I wonder why my ass is getting so huge....

Seriously, if I eat this one more time, I am going to need my own zip code. Bacon popcorn -- merely reading the words will make your pants feel tight. Well, friends, my pants are tight indeed. And this despite the fact that I've added two spin classes a week to my regimen to try to put out the (grease) fire. I should mention that, not content with merely bacon and bacon fat, I add two other forms of fat to this recipe: parmesan cheese and some melted butter. Of course, the butter is there mostly to help the cheese stick, so it doesn't really count. The ground black pepper is crucial. However, this provides me with the opportunity to direct you to Adrienne's site; she is the genius behind bacon popcorn, and if I give her a reader or two on her fabulous food site, then the radical expansion of my ass will all have been worth it. Sigh.


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